Deletion of SD content

Dear Users!

It is 2023, our daily lives are determined by ever-faster and more advanced technologies, the continuous development of televisions and smartphones has now completely changed our media consumption habits. The ever-increasing screens and the powerful processors and imaging functions of mobile phones allow us to enjoy a wide variety of content anywhere and anytime. The spread of high-bandwidth Internet access will further boost the popularity of high-definition video and streaming services.

In this dynamically developing environment, the Standard Definition (SD) category is less and less able to satisfy our expectations. The lower resolution and lower image quality are considered more outdated every day compared to new technologies. Many of us are now used to Full HD and even Ultra HD (4K) content.

In the past few weeks, we have tested some planned innovations related to the above on a small group of users, and we are happy to report that we did not encounter any serious complaints, almost everyone was happy that they could enjoy their downloaded series in better quality than expected.

In light of all this, the Staff considers it reasonable and necessary to phase out the SD category from nCore. The change will not affect the use of the site, it only means that the films and series will be available to you in better quality.

Pursuant to the above, the following rules will come into effect on the site from October 1 :

• SD content cannot be uploaded to the Movie, Series, and XXX categories if HD quality content is already available from the given material.
• SD content currently available on the site will remain available.
• The current season of currently running series can still be uploaded in SD quality, however, after the end of the season, only HD uploads are allowed.

With the modifications, our aim is to simplify and optimize nCore's content offering, as well as to increase the commitment to quality. We hope everyone will enjoy the higher resolution content!

nCore Staff