Dave Annable (Special Ops: Lioness) has been tapped for a recurring role on the upcoming Netflix drama series The Waterfront, written and executive produced by Kevin Williamson. Inspired by true events, the 8-episode series dives into the flawed Buckley family, led by McCallany’s Harlan Buckley (Holt McCallany) and Mae Buckley (Maria Bello), as their attempts to retain control of their crumbling North Carolina fishing empire drive them to increasingly dangerous means to keep themselves afloat.

Annable will play Wes Larsen, a developer with a big personality whose interest in Mae Buckley (Bello) extends beyond just business.
The main cast also includes Jake Weary and Melissa Benoist as Cane Buckley and Bree Buckley, respectively. Topher Grace is among those recurring on the series.

Williamson and Ben Fast executive produce for Outerbanks Entertainment. Marcos Siega is directing the first two episodes and executive producing the pilot. Universal Television, a division of Universal Studio Group, where Williamson is under an overall deal, is the studio.

Annable is a series regular opposite lead Zoe Saldaña on Taylor Sheridan’s Paramount+ spy thriller series Special Ops: Lioness. He also did an arc on Sheridan’s Yellowstone.