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Post By Laxus
ImmortalSeed News
New Categories and Donation updates!
Greetings fellow Immortalseeders! We are excited to announce a few changes, additions and upcoming events!
New Categories:
We have added two new Documentary categories to further assist us in keeping things tidy and organized. These categories will house any one off releases that we feel have a more non-fiction informational aspect to them. Serialized or episodic shows that might match this description (ex Through the Wormhole or Cosmos) will remain in their relevant TV categories.
SD Documentaries will contain any release that is not HD including 480p.
HD Documentaries will contain anything that is 720p or above.
You gave us your feedback and we listened! We have adjusted the existing donation options and added a few new ones! Here are some of the interesting headlines:
A new $5 freeleech option! You will receive one week's worth of freeleech and a fancy green suit! This is perfect for those who are unsure of donating, but want to try on the color green, or those that might want a quick boost to go on a downloading binge!
A new Super Donation Special! Its like a special that never ends! It combines several donation options with the awesomeness of 180 days of freeleech and a green suit!
To check out all the changes and new donation options, check them out there: https://immortalseed.me/donate.php.
Keep in mind that donations help keep the lights on around here and go towards upgrades that keep things speedy and allow us to bring you new features and enhancements! If you are wary of using a credit card, you can now use bitcoins to stay completely anonymous!
Stay tuned for future announcements coming soon, including details of iS'es birthday bash!
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