Proofs are Important as they convey Applicant(one who applied for invite) stand at tracer & help Giver(one who going to send invite) to decide best among Applicants. Try to send best You have.
1. Ratio Proof -
This is created to define exactly which identifiers have to be left out(hide) in editing a ratio proof. New members do not know how to edit a ratio proof and what to edit exactly. While other existing members are confused as to what is and not supposed to be edited:
- Username
- Avatar (if it is anything but the default avatar)
- Class/rank
- Bonus/credit points
- Number of hit and runs (even if it's at zero)
- Active torrents both up and down (even if 0)
- Global ratio needs to be edited after the decimal like
- Number of referrals
- Number of torrent requests
- Number of private messages
- Leave tracker time visible, but remove seconds (if applicable).. e.g 13:45:XX (HH: MM: SS)
- Upload and download stats - Every number after the decimal point needs to be omitted. Also all the digits before the decimal point apart from up to the first 2 (eg.. GB.). The Giver has the flexibility to dictate how many digits are visible before the decimal points, but there should never be any more that 2 digits showing.
- Full desktop screen shots are required.
Example #1: Up 2.2GB, Down 0.9MB ----Should--look----like---> Up 2.xGB, Down 0.xMB
Example #2: Up 100.15TB, Down 87.3TB ----Should--look----like---> Up 100.xxTB, Down 87.xTB
Screenshot Preparation -
- Name of the Giver & Date at URL bar (1).
- Ratio proof (Stats of Your Private Tracker (2) ) make sure you hide everything mentioned above.
- Show your PC Date & Time (3) (make sure the Time & Date same with the date on address bar (1) )
Follow the example screenshot below -
2. Speedtest Proof -
- Name of the Giver & Date at URL bar (1).
- Hide Your IP Address. Don't hide where are you from (Specially if you applying for a Tracker which have any ban Countries - Banned Country List). Sometimes people cheat where there from to get invite. If the Giver send the invite to banned Country resident member he also may got ban along with invitee.
- Show your PC date & time (make sure the time and date same with the date on address bar (2) )
Follow the example screenshot below -
3. Seedbox Proof -
- Name of the Giver & Date at URL bar (1).
- Make sure to add current date with Giver name to clear you seedbox IP/ URL. Tracker names, torrent names can be hide. Everything else should visible.
- Seedbox 'Log' tab should be visible, as it show Date & Time of login (2).
- Show your PC date & time (make sure the time and date same with the date on address bar (3) )
Follow the example screenshot below -
After preparing screenshots upload those to any image-host (eg. Imgur) & send it to Giver via PM.
Important Points -
1. Do not post any proof anywhere in forum, all proofs should be sent via PM when Giver ask.
2. Giver can ask to redo any proof (screenshot) if it is not clear or not done properly.
3. For high-level trackers Giver may ask for unedited proofs (Before sending proofs Applicant can contact any staff if he didn't find Giver trustworthy).
4. Applicant can remove screenshots from image-host once Giver confirm he had gone through those.
5. Sending Proofs doesn't mean you are going to get invite, Proofs are meant to show Your stand at tracker & related only.
6. Proof-cheating is serious offense & cheater's will be Permanent Ban from TI.
Useful Tool -
1. Snipping Tool (Windows App in Windows 7 & above), but it don't allow captured screenshot editing (blurring) & have limited options
2. Nimbus (Download Link). Free & with all required tools.
Kindly let me know if anything need change/ update or if anything is not clear. Thanks to sources @Insideman, @TheTrader & all staff members for their support in preparing of this tutorial.