Tracker Name AudioNews (AN) Tracker URL Tracker Genre Music / Misc Tracker Type Ratio Based Bonus System N/A Tracker Signup Invite only ( Open SignUps Occassionally) Banned countries NONE Maintaining Ratio Medium IRC N/A
- AudioNews is a torrent tracker designed for music producers rather than music listeners( almost last year GFXNEWS the sister site of Audionews merged with AN and IS NOW PART OF AUDIONEWS it's is focussed on graphics / video / etc. Apps, stock footage, etc stuff like that)
- tracker got +146k users and +127k torrents ,The categories include programs/software (macOS, Windows, Linux), Apps (Android, iOS), tutorials (editing, music production), samples, and other small sections for ebooks (art, design, guides), plugins, fonts, magazines, photography/art, etc. (It's not for listening to music.)
- If your ratio is less than 0.8 your account will be downgraded to a LIMITED ACCOUNT after the initial warning period has expired,all accounts are subject to deletion after 180 days of inactivity!
- Getting an invite requires being a member for 30 days or more, have uploaded 10GB or more, and have a ratio equals to or more than 0.8,they are issued automatically
- for maintaining good ratio get new torrents as soon as they are uploaded and seed them 24/7,you can also use donate option, by donating you get some seeded (uploaded) Gb, so you can increase your ratio
- If you are a music composer or you want to learn music, AudioNews will definitely help you. The site has plenty of programs and tutorials from beginners to advanced .
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