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Post By jimmy7
TmGHuB News
Hi All,
It’s now been seven months since tmghub.org came online and as you all know we had a hard time in the beginning as we made improvements on the site as well as attracted members and releasers . But we were able to overcome the initial struggles mainly due to the sincere support and help from our members who stayed with us while we worked on continuously improving the site.
Tmghub would like to take this opportunity to thank all our loyal members for supporting us at the time and hopefully we can expect the same level of support in the future. We would also like to extend heartfelt thanks to the special members who continue to work hard to keep this site alive by bringing releases and keeping the forums active.
We are a small community today but with assistance from all we continue to grow. We would like to keep growing as well as provide a forum where all members can come and discuss various issues but as you know it costs money to run any site as servers, technical support and maintenance has to be paid for and currently it costs us 600 Euro’s annually. The full amount is borne wholly by the site owners at this time. So we are turning to our members to support us in meeting the costs.
Please note that the payments are not for becoming VIP members. VIP membership is reserved for individuals who have greatly contributed or supported the site and is based on staff decision only.
Any amount would be helpful and we can accept your payment through Paypal. All donors will get an upload credit based on the amount of the donation. When making your payment through Paypal, please indicate your tmghub nickname on the receipt. If you do not mention your nickname, then the donation will be considered as anonymous .
Paypal Id : xxxxxxx@yyyyyu.com
Total amount Targeted: 600 Euros
Once more, thank you all for your continued support so far and in the future.
TmGHub Staff
Last edited by masonos
; 11-12-2016 at 04:21 PM.
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