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Post By AndRei13
Bit-HDTV : News
qBitTorrent bug - counting snatches/seeding multiple times.
There is a bug (or feature depending on your PoV) in qBitTorrent when configured to have several interfaces open to the internet. Make sure to disable the multi-homed feature in qBitTorrent and set the preferred interface so it does not announce to the tracker on all of the interfaces.
This is a very problematic feature as it is basically cheating. The client will report the same data several times to the tracker. The reporting counts leeching and seeding multiple times. For leeching non-freeleech torrents this will greatly affect your ratio in a negative manner. For 2x upload (green & grey) torrents this will appear as ratio cheating.
Go to Options - Advanced - Network interface (3rd option) and change the value "any interface" to the primary interface used on your computer (LAN, VPN, etc), there must be only one interface selected for use in qBitTorrent.
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