Microsoft’s became an Internet sensation overnight, and millions of people from all over the world tried it. Its success was so impressive that Microsoft decided to launch dedicated Windows Phone apps and integrate the service in Bing image search for quicker access.

And now the company is going even further with a new similar service called, which is supposed to calculate the twin score of two different people.

Just like the original service, is hosted on Azure and uses the face recognition API to analyze two different user-defined photos. The service was built in just a few hours in a hotel in Czech Republic by Mat Velloso, Microsoft developer who attended the BUILD developer conference in Prague.

At this point, is still in its early days, so you need to manually upload two different photos to determine the twin score, but expect the developer to add more options in the coming days, such as the possibility of searching online for images with Bing.

And if adoption skyrockets just like in the case of, a Windows Phone app could also be released to provide more users with access to this new service on the go.

And in case you’re wondering, no, no photos are stored on Microsoft’s services
