The Regalia—the sweet ride the lads from Final Fantasy 15 cruise around the countryside in—is spreading across videogames like some kind of automotive virus. It was added to Forza Horizon 3 last year, it's coming to Final Fantasy 14 as part of a crossover quest, and now it's being added to Forza Horizon 4.

Of course this won't be the Type-F flying model, but both the regular Quartz Regalia and the Type-D (which is an off-road monster truck thing) are being added. Which is nice. The two cars can be earned in the Series 6 update, and will be available from February 21 according to an in-game note.

They join the other iconic videogame crossover vehicle in Forza Horizon, Halo's Puma, or as they insist on calling it the Warthog ATV.