Streamer Guy “Dr DisRespect” Beahm brought his broadcast to a sombre end today, saying that his home had been the target of a drive-by shooting. He describes this as the second such attack at his home in two days’ time.

Following the conclusion of a Black Ops 4 Blackout match, Beahm’s attention is drawn by an apparent popping noise somewhere off-screen. He leaves his chair to investigate, and returns after a few seconds without his trademark wig and glasses. He describes the attack as a drive-by and ends the stream there.

“I gotta end the broadcast right now,” Beahm says. “Someone shot at our house. Broke the fucking upstairs window. This is the second shot. Someone shot yesterday. Someone shot yesterday at our fucking house. And someone shot again right now and connected with the house, upstairs.”

We’ll update with further details as they become available. In the meantime, we hope Beahm and his family remain safe until the situation is resolved. The title of the Twitch stream has since been updated to read “Doc and Family Are Safe,” and safety measures are underway while the stream remains down for the rest of the day.

Beahm is best known for streaming battle royale titles, primarily PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds. His return to Twitch earlier this year was so popular that it temporarily brought down the streaming hub, setting a new viewership record for an individual streamer with over 388,000 viewers.