Star Trek: Picard will explore Seven of Nine's character development as she assumes a command position of a starship in season 3. Picard's final season will premiere in 2023 on Paramount+ with a total of ten episodes. Jeri Ryan will reprise her role as Seven, joining Patrick Stewart as Picard, as well as most main cast members from Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Star Trek: Picard takes place 20 years after the events of Star Trek: Nemesis and sees former Starfleet Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Stewart) come out of retirement and enter into a new adventure. Along his journeys, he's joined by Seven of Nine (Ryan) a former member of the Borg collective, whose arc on Star Trek: Voyager explored her journey to become human again and deprogramming the thinking of the Borg collective. Picard's season 2 finale saw Seven joining Starfleet and briefly becoming the Captain of the USS Stargazer in the process.

In the Picard panel at San Diego Comic-Con, Screen Rant got some insight into what Seven's character arc will be in season 3 now that she's a part of Starfleet. The season will see Seven as the first officer of a starship with a unique view on how to command her subordinates. The episodes will continue to explore her identity now that she's in a command position and has accepted the part of herself that will always be linked to the Borg.

With so much of the focus of Picard season 3 on the return of The Next Generation cast, it'll be interesting to see how the writers will wrap up the arcs of the already established characters, including Seven. Seven's decades-long arc will need a comprehensive ending to pay respect to one of Star Trek's most beloved characters. Seven's relationship with Raffi Musiker (Michele Hurd) will continue to be explored in season 3, with Musiker being the only original Picard lead character besides Stewart to return for the last season.

Seven of Nine has always been one of Star Trek's best characters, with an arc that felt dynamic even in Star Trek: Voyager, where most of the main characters stayed static through its seven-year run. The more serialized story of Picard has allowed for a deeper exploration of Seven's character, which is set to continue in season 3. In the end, the Star Trek: Picard reunion of The Next Generation cast will take center stage in the final episodes, but hopefully it will be a fitting sendoff for Seven of Nine's character as well.