Tracker's Name: | Application Invite
Genre: General
Sign-up Link:
Closing date: n/a
Review's Link: | LTTi | Malaysia | 2014 Review
Additional information: Staff will invite you to enter the site if all the questions have been answered with a complete and satisfactory. LTTi is the one and only tracker from Malaysia.

Tracker Statistics
Users Active Today 404
Users Active This Week 857
Registered Users / Limit 1,088 / 3,000
Male Users 974
Female Users 74

Total Torrents 4,129
Seeding Peers 14,245
Leeching Peers 231
Peers 14,476
Seeding / leeching ratio 6167%
Total Size of Torrents 8.223 TB
Total Uploaded 543.768 TB
Total Downloaded 103.432 TB
Total Data 647.200 TB