The Internationals | General | 2015 Review

Tracker Name The Internationals
Tracker Genre General
Tracker Type Ratio Based
Tracker URL
Tracker Signup Closed/Invites Only
Bonus System Yes
Banned Countries None
Tracker IRC Server : Port : 6667 Channel : #TTi-help

Tracker Description

The Internationals is a Swedish general tracker,it has about 4K registered members and about 3K active torrents. It is not that active community as not many torrents are being uploaded everyday as other general trackers. The Internationals has bonus points system that can be used to buy invites or upload buffer and it has some freeleech torrents but not many. Sometimes staff gives member some terabytes of upload buffer.

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Tracker Rating

**** Speed **** 7/10
**** Content **** 7/10
**** Pre-Time **** 7/10