AfrBits | General | 2015 Review

Tracker Name AfrBits
Tracker Genre General
Tracker Type Ratio Based
Tracker URL
Tracker Signup Closed/Invites Only
Bonus System None
Banned Countries Yes
Tracker IRC Server : Port : +6697 Channels : #AFRBits

Tracker Description

AfrBits is a Turkish private tracker mainly for media related content but they have other content like general trackers. It is very small community with about only 2K registered users and about 4K torrents. AfrBits is the home of the encoder Prodji RG and they have other encoders like DM@X and SKRG. They provie movies and TV series with bual languages English and Turkish. Tracker interface is in English,it is very attractive and simple. They have bonus points system but it will be hard to build up good ratio due to few peers and they don't have many freeleech torrents.

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Tracker Ratings

**** Speed **** 7/10
**** Content **** 7/10
**** Pre-time **** 7/10