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Post By Blitz
ToTheGlory TTG news
Several messages
1, in order to ensure the security of the account, the site has now enabled dual verification, recommended!
Please refer to the detailed description and feedback.
The site defaults to 180 days to require a change of password, unless you enable either a security question or a double verification, no longer needed.
2, due to the invitation of the station users have become a display, the recent batch will be a unified batch of recycling, recycling prices equivalent to 5W points / pieces.
In cooperation with the anniversary of the invitation to carry out activities.
3, the eighth anniversary of the medal is now limited to shelves, divided into the local version of the ho and the general version, there is a need to invite this purchase:
does this mean the invite system is open? if i buy an invite for 100k will i be able to use it ?
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