Dear users, probably every one of you would like to contribute to the maintenance of our server, but not everyone can support us a sum of money, so we found another much easier way out of this situation. Now each of you in a very simple manner and without loss may help us in maintaining server?

Just click on the banner ad placed on the MAIN (Wargame 1942) and then to register.
CAUTION DO NOT NEED TO CONFIRM REGISTRATION BY MAIL! The process itself takes 10 seconds!

Since each user get a tiny amount of money, so we are counting on your help.

ATTENTION! Anyone who will do it and send the PM a moderator with the registration, which will post a screenshot after the registration process, get the crews TL 3 GB additional upload! So we encourage everyone to come in a very simple and fast way of additional perk. Do not forget also about the rest of our ads are in tab torrents , and the fact that the ads are often swapped on our website and hence, can be often earn extra Upload.