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Welcome or back.
As you can see SceneFZ returned and slowly we restore old source community is currently in beta, and is still Carpe stuff here and there. Anyone can upload currently what the future will want to make a selection Uploader who know what "scenes only".
For any question please contact me via PM or forum staff.
SceneFZ staff or I will solve your problem if you have one.
I bow and joy to all.
Forum: http://scenefz.me/forums.php?action=viewtopic&topicid=9
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1. Like = 5 GB 1 upload
Share = 10 GB 2. 1 upload
3. Like 1 & 1 Share = 20 Gb upload
More forum -> http://scenefz.me/forums.php?action=viewtopic&topicid=1
This is not real sceneFZ.
I received an email from SceneFZ, why you think it's not real?
I just want make sure before login.
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