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Post By CappyTempo
Punck Tracker-news
Anyone who still wants to support our server will endorse an unlimited slot. You can apply to Punk on the site at pm or Facebook on our community site to enter account numbers. We depend on your support to fully depend on our server's server and of course we will reimburse the rewards, depending on the amount. Thank you in advance for your kindness. In addition to the unlimited slot and donor stars, you will also receive up-to-date amount of prizes and invitations, as follows:
1.) 500 ft - 50GB + 3 invitations 2.) 500-1000ft - 80GB + 5 invitations 3.) 1000-1500ft - 100GB + 7 invitations 4.) Over 1500ft - 200GB + 10 invitations, the month you are referring to.
We respect Punk Staff!
The tracker delivers 3 points in every 31 hours of the full seed torrents!
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