The NSA is trying to develop a supercomputer which could be able to break any encryption program and give the United States electronic control of the world.

As usual, this information was found on papers leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden. The compromised documents say that the National Security Agency was trying to create a so-called "quantum computer" which could be used to break encryption codes that cover sensitive data. In other words, it would allow the US spooks to break into and control any machine they want. Germany, for example, which doesn't do what it is told by the US, could see the American spooks transferring the country’s bank accounts to Washington and killing off its economy.

That’s won’t happen, of course, - at least until there is a guy in the White Hat who saves the world just in time. In the meantime, experts point out that quantum computers are still in the developmental stage. The machines able to perform several calculations at once instead of in a single stream could take years to create.

Apparently, the National Security Agency is researching the technology as part of its $80 million research program called “Penetrating Hard Targets”. At the same time, other, non-governmental researchers are also making attempts to create quantum computers, and nobody knows whether the NSA program lags the private efforts or is ahead of them.