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Post By jimmy7
Post By confucius
Net Neutrality Defenders Plan Mass Online Protest 48 hours Before FCC Vote
Sites like Reddit, GitHub, Pintrest, Etsy, Imgur, Pornhub, BitTorrent, and Patreon are already helping drive calls to Congress
WASHINGTON - The unprecedented public backlash to the FCC’s plan to slash Title II net neutrality protections continues to grow. After thousands of people took to the streets to protest last week, Internet users, websites, apps, and online forums are preparing to participate in “Break the Internet,” a mass online protest that will start on December 12, two days before the FCC vote scheduled for December 14. The protest is demanding that Congress take action to stop the FCC vote.
See the announcement for the protest here: https://www.breaktheinternetprotest.org
The protest will take many forms on social media, apps, and websites across the Internet. Facebook and LinkedIn users will “break” their profiles by changing their relationship status to “Married” (to net neutrality) or adding a new “job” of “Defending Net Neutrality.” Websites and apps will participate by doing something to “break” their platform and encourage their users to contact Congress.
Websites, startups, apps and businesses large and small are already helping drive phone calls to Congress using creative widgets, modals, and banners that show what the Internet might look like if ISPs can control what users do with throttling, censorship, and new fees.
Sites helping sound the alarm include Imgur, Mozilla, Pinterest, Reddit, GitHub, Etsy, BitTorrent, Pornhub, Patreon, Funny Or Die, Speedtest, Fiverr, Cloudlfare, Opera, Trello, the Happy Wheels game, DeviantArt, AnimeNewsNetwork, and BoingBoing.
Wow after reading into this, it could mean that is awesome forum could be throttled or censored
The FCC should now know they might get hit with some kind of an attack whether it be DDoS or hard trolling, they are in for beating
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