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Post By jimmy7
The Purge will commence shortly…
Hi users of MTV!
It has been a while since our last announcement. Things have been busy managing the added userbase, overseeing auto-up bot updates, and general development work (we will share an official dev update with the userbase soon™).
As many of you are aware: The general problem with a truly ratiofree site will be the freeloaders. This has and always will be an issue. As such, we’ve reached a critical mass and will actively begin manually purging accounts we deem as abusive to our gentleman’s agreement we have here at MTV. Right now there are over 600 users that we have flagged as leech only accounts that do nothing to help our community. Please see here for the Wiki regarding seeding requirements.
We will not be disabling users that put forth a concerted effort to improve their stats or change their ways. Staff understands that shit happens. As such, we will be allowing a 1 month+ grace period before any actions are taken. THE PURGE WILL COMMENCE ON SEPTEMBER 1ST 2017.
If you feel you are borderline in this regard, you may hop into #Help on our IRC, or make a post in the forum asking for our insight. If you know you are down at the bottom of the barrel, we urge you to right that ship or your account will be forfeit soon.
Best Regards,
- MTV Staff
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