Hello everyone, as some have seen, we had a bug in the gold coins that were connected with your seed time for about 48 hours.

This bug is now fixed, so your seed time is again calculated and parts
gold are also normally distributed. The bug did not affect the gold coins awarded to the other options, it only affected the seed time.

As a result, at no time did the bug affect the portion of your upload and ratio statistics.

To compensate for the loss of your gold coins during these 48 hours, Le Saloon will give you 1500 gold coins, 500 coins more than the total you would have been entitled to, the system entitling you to a maximum of 20 coins of gold per hour (960 in 48 hours max).

*** New gold coin distribution system for seed time ***

Always to better serve you and to ensure that The Saloon is a tracker that is up to the task, a small change has been made in the distribution of gold coins. To encourage and reward those who share in mass, so those who help a lot in the survival of the Saloon torrents, and even those who would like to participate a little more in sharing, here is what has been changed:

1 gold coin per hour for EVERY torrent in seed, so each torrent will bring you 1 gold / hour, as long as you keep it shared. This will easily exceed the maximum of 20 gold coins / hour that was set in the old distribution system.

That's it for the change, take note that there could also be changes in the general store.

To clarify, if you use a version higher than uTorrent 2.2.1, it is possible that the stats of your time of seed and sharing are not well accounted for, in no time the gold coins will be refunded if There is a gap between the seed time of your torrent client and the one that the Saloon has calculated.

Even if there is ever a slight difference between the number of torrents you have in seed versus the number of gold coins that the Saloon has refunded you, the calculation of the system being the most accurate possible, there could be a slight difference and this, even if it is unlikely, still there, no adjustment of gold coins will be made by the Staff, unless ALL your torrents were not counted to give you the gold coins depending on your seed time, there you can apply for help on this subject and a check of your seed torrents by a member of the staff will be done to verify whether or not the gold coins will be added. (Conditional to uTorrent 2.2.1 »Screenshot will be requested)

Feel free to make suggestions, a topic is available in the forum for this purpose:

Wishing you all, dear Saloonians, a good continuation!