Welcome all the New Members


Hello Everyone, Welcome to the LBM family. 😇

We are a small & growing family trying to build up an active and helpful community for users. Sometimes it might be a little bit hard for new users to build up a good ratio and boost their accounts. That's why we have active Forum Games like Daily Lotto, Guess the Movie, Name that Song, Guess The Place, Making Word, Daily Riddle & Games like Daily Quiz. Where you can win Bonus Points and other gifs like FL tokens, Invites, and VIPs for a certain period of time. You can also win big prizes from the Monthly Big BON Competition.

Besides, you can also share your experience, thoughts, ideas, and news in the other forum section and Chatbox. Movie Reviews & also share with other users Which movie you saw last, What's your favorite Movie, Actors & Actresses etc.

We're working and trying our best for our community members. We also need your Support and your Activity. Members' activity inspires us a lot. If you have time, Please look at our Forum and Explore the site & we hope you'll like our community.

Any suggestions & new ideas will be appreciated. You can share them with us via Chatbox or PM any Admins & Mods.
Once again, Thanks a lot for your time.
Have a nice day. 😇