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Voting, seed obligation, and other changes


In recent years, more and more sites have been redirected to the ratio-free system, including the two largest Hungarian torrent sites. So now we will vote for it.
We ask everyone to vote because this can greatly change the way the site works.

A couple of people who might not know what this is about.
Why do you need this system?
  • The current system works with a specific binding ratio that is often challenging or even inaccessible to users with slow Internet access. Most of the active users because they can not do it or just hard to get it, so most downloads are downloaded or removed. So it was clear to them that we need to change this, but we would also like to ask for your opinions.

Then don't you have to seed anymore?
  • Of course! The hit'n'run system has also been redesigned to make backing even lighter. There is no mandatory rate, so you can get more data without having to pay attention to your ratio. However, you have to fulfill the seed obligation (48 hours or 1.0 ratio, more below)

Why is it better than the present?
  • Anyone who has been able to keep up with that ratio has almost nothing to change, but who, with great difficulty, can afford, to those users that will be of great help. At present, unfortunately there are few 1-1 torrent lives, and many complain about the heavy burden. Once you've downloaded the material and nobody else gets it, so you can not generate uploads, the more torrent your worst rate will be. However, in this system, you do not have to do this anymore.

For test purposes ~ 1 month ago 2 weeks of freeleech was held, where it became quite obvious that much more download and activity occurred on the site. So if you have "no" stake, there is no deterioration in the proportion everyone is spending more courageously and of course the goal is to keep nobody from keeping the mandatory ratio.
With the new system, we want to increase torrents' lifespan and help any user who has difficulty with reallocating.

Seed obligation system

The following changes take effect today:
  • For each torrent that has a minimum of 5% or a minimum of 100MB downloaded (which has been reached before), the seed obligation is imposed.

This obligation can basically be fulfilled in two ways:
  • With retrieved data (1.0)
  • Seed time, minimum 48 hours.

The conditions must be met within 2 weeks of downloading the torrent. So if someone downloads a material on the 10th day of the month, it will only be hit'n'run if none of the conditions for the 24th day of the month have been completed. That is, you do not have the mandatory minimum of 48 hours or the 1.0 ratio.
If you exceed the maximum allowed hit'n'run by the end of the month, your download right is delayed for 1 week.

Ranks change

Eyesight users have already figured out how user rankings changed, because of these later developments.
Rankings changed as follows:
  • Student + Graduate Student -> Student
  • perverse
  • sex Master
  • Veteran + Legend -> Veteran

So, if you see a different rank beside your name, you will be automatically redistributed. You can read about the requirements here: Wiki - Ranks

Placement system

On the data sheet, in the seed obligation menu and soon in the top menu bar will be shown the placement. The system measures each individual's monthly activity and divides it on that basis.

Google Ads

We have placed an advertising banner in three different locations, from these revenues we cover developments on the site and monthly costs so we ask you to have at least 1x a day to click on something to advertise, thereby supporting the site's survival and further improvements.
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