Illicit streaming, commonly conducted through IPTV and set-top boxes, has become one of the biggest challenges for the Federation Against Copyright Theft (FACT) in the last year.

Kieron Sharp, CEO of Fact, said the issue has risen considerably in the last 12 months, but there have also been significant actions and legal developments that have allowed the organisation to tackle the problem.

With 70 percent of FACT’s ongoing cases relating to illicit streaming devices, the organisation has had its hands full.

In the past year, FACT has been responsible for significant progress in disrupting the sale and distribution of illicit streaming devices, with multiple raids across England resulting in the arrest and charging of some of IPTV’s biggest infringers.

FACT has also worked towards educating the public to make them aware that using such boxes is illegal.

Sharp said: “Consumers need to be aware that by plugging in these illicit streaming devices they are putting themselves and their families at risk.”

“You don’t have the same controls, updates or protections as a traditional television and so using one of these devices puts you at risk from malware, explicit content and scams.”