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Lock Club, the method of determining and easy bypass
Good time, dear mate!
Once again blocked favorite site and you can not get on it? There are many ways to circumvent the prohibitions imposed. This was repeatedly written, so we try not to be repeated. However, it is always interesting to know what and how your ISP is blocking? As a provider intervenes in your paid traffic and what to do with him?
These are the questions and answers provided by the program . It can detect DNS spoofing, DNS redirection, IP / Port restricted DPI, Full DPI, and of blocking by IP, of course.
Now, knowing the type and locking method, it is much easier to get around and you can talk to arguments with tech support provider, because you pay them a lot of money.
If you look at how the provider to interfere with your personal life is no desire, and free and now I want to surf, you can use another method, with the service provided antizapret:
Firefox: Menu -> Settings -> Advanced -> Network -> Settings ... Insert link https://antizapret.prostovpn.org/proxy.pac in line "URL automatically configure the proxy service."
Chrome / Opera: Settings -> Show Advanced Settings -> Change proxy settings -> Network Settings. Paste link https://antizapret.prostovpn.org/proxy.pac the string "Use automatic configuration script".
Internet Explorer: Tools -> Internet Options (browser) -> Security -> select "Local intranet" -> Websites -> remove the checkbox "All the sites with which communication is performed to bypass the proxy server"
Tools -> Internet Options (browser) -> Connections -> LAN Settings. Paste link https://antizapret.prostovpn.org/proxy.pac the string "Use automatic configuration script".
It took 3 minutes and you are on your favorite site!
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