
2.如果发布的种子,版本,分辨率或者是其他,不符合你胃口,那么请耐心等待其他版本而不要用索取 的口吻要 求上传者发布其他版本。
3.类似“720p的就不下了”“MKV就不下了”这种言论请不要再出现,想一想,你的朋友辛苦做 了一份好 菜,端上去,你觉得不符合胃口,你肯定不会当面说,这菜我才不会吃,你只会默默的少吃一点,对 么!

我们成立已经4个月了,种子1800,HDU压制和录制资源过百,离不开的是大家的支持,离不 开的是上传者 ,发布员,保种员,压制组还是默默的管理组们的热情。所以呢,目前咱们任性PT的一个小小的紧 迫情况就是, 保种压力比较大。。。如果你有兴趣加入保种员的行列,请联系我们哦!


Please always respect the uploader, publisher!

By the power station is not only a stable development where PT
It is a shared, embodies the spirit of selfless dedication!
Therefore, in any case, please always respect the uploader.
Empathy, if you, as a publisher, uploader, see their seed following a negative comment, feel about it!
Therefore, the following, partly in claim moiety is recommended
1. If you downloaded the seed, be sure to click THANKS!
2. If the seeds release, version, resolution or other, does not meet your appetite, so please be patient and not to use other versions of the tone of the requirements to obtain uploaders release other versions.
3. Similar "720p's not under the" "MKV is not under" Such comments do not occur again, think about your friends hard to do a good food, end up, you feel does not meet the appetite, you certainly would not say face to face, I will not eat this dish, you will only eat a little silent on it!
4. If you really need another version, or if you need subtitles, you can go to the forum message request, which should be the better approach.

We've set up four months, seed 1800, HDU repression and recorded hundreds of resources, can not do without everyone's support, is inseparable from the uploader, publisher, conservation staff, suppress or silence the group management group enthusiasm. So, the current situation a little tight is our wayward PT, conservation pressure is relatively large. . . If you are interested in joining the ranks of the conservation staff, please contact us Oh!

Thanks again,
Members silently upload and publisher
Powered record thanks to a S Gangju
Thanks repression and DIY Daren, a J, a D, a S, a H, a X
Thanks for sharing since the purchase of the disc, a O
I love you all!