经多日磨合,PadTime小组正式于近日成立,并已在PT站发布iPad视频约40余部。计划今后推出的 iPad无特殊情况应以蓝光为源,尽量会与10bit同步发布,朋友们可各取所需。
但,近日观其下载数量并不甚理想,想来一是有很多朋友在控制面板中的个人设置中设定了分类查看,对于小组推 广的iPad视频尚未知晓;二是本站开站时间尚短,对于iPad视频需求不大。因此对于iPad未来走向, 暂观近期状况再定。


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After several days running, PadTime group was officially established recently and has been published in the PT stand iPad video about 40 films. Planned for the future launch of the iPad no special circumstances should be blue as the source, try to synchronize with the 10bit release, and friends can be what they want.
However, the recent number of downloads does not even watch his ideals and wanted to first have a lot of friends in the Control Panel settings, the classification personal view, for the group to promote iPad video yet known; two are the open station a short time , little demand for the iPad video. Therefore, the future direction for the iPad, view recent temporary condition and then set.
Please join Hope known.

HDTimePT Management Group