Show/Hide 2013.11.11 - 至新入站用户的几句话
各位新入站HDSer,请在7天内至少进行一次下载上传活动,7天无任何流量的用户将被系统自动删除且不可 恢复!另,入站感言魔力值等奖励将于7天后汇总并统一发放。祝各位愉快!


Show / Hide 2013.11.11 - to the new Inbound users a few words
Special note:
To the new Inbound HDSer, within 7 days, please download upload activity at least once, 7 days without any traffic users will be automatically deleted and can not be restored! Also, the inbound reflections Mana and other incentives will be aggregated and unified payment after 7 days. I wish you happy!

HDSky Management Group
November 11, 2013