
清理公告已发出一月有余了,可始终有用户不放在心上,近段时间以来,我们陆续开始清理不达标用户,许多朋友 在被封禁之后,以各种理由喊冤,或者找人说情,这是没有道理了。于此,我们再次重申:如果你珍惜你的账号, 请尽快达标,也请各位会员转告你的朋友,被ban之后,喊冤是没用的,如果你珍惜,早干嘛去了 ?

一、不活跃账户:注册日期在2014年6月之前的账户,下载量不得低于10G且上传量不得小于20G,否则 纳入清理之列;

二、负魔力值账户:即魔力值为负,且根据魔力值兑换系统将全部上传兑换魔力值后魔力仍然为负数 的账户。






Reiterated the user to clean up the matter again, is not old ban users feel wronged

Cleanup bulletin has been issued more than one month, and may not always have the user in mind, since Recently, we have started clearing substandard users, many friends after being banned, for various reasons innocence, or find someone to intercede, this is no reason a. Here, we reiterate: If you value your account, please compliance as soon as possible, also please tell your friends members, after being ban, innocence is useless, if you cherish, why go back?

Attach cleanup rules:
** First, inactive accounts: Registration date before June 2014 accounts, downloads and uploads of not less than the amount of not less than 10G 20G, otherwise taken into cleanup of;

Second, the negative value of the account magic: the magic is negative, and the magic value exchange system will upload all exchange based on the value of the magic of the magic is still negative accounts.

Cleanup methods: Ban

Clean-up users to enjoy once more the opportunity to donate re-opened.

Note: The management group of people, publisher, guests and members of the donor star signs with not cleaning up range.

Complaints Contact QQ: 229514555