昨日因服务器机房问题,维护过程造成论坛数据丢失,给各位HDSky会员带来不便和极大的损失,菠菜区福 利盘大家回过贴的请再去确认一下您回的帖子还在不在,不在的话请重新竞猜,种子区如果数据丢失的请您也再次 确认一下,如果不在了请删除旧种重发,系统会自动识别做种,给大家带来的不便再次道歉


Yesterday the problem because the server room, maintenance data loss caused by the forum, a great inconvenience and loss, spinach District Social Welfare dish we had posted, please go back to confirm your post is still not back to you HDSky members, not words Please re-quiz, seed area of data loss if you also reconfirmed that, if gone, please delete the old kinds of retransmission, the system will automatically recognize seeding, apologize to everyone for the inconvenience again.