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HDBits News
Server/seedbox/VPN detection
In relation to the news about account security, we've also been revamping the way we detect seedboxes. This change may have caused your seedbox or vpn connection that wasn't previously detected as such, to be marked as a seedbox. This also means you won't get any more free leech. Be wary of this if you're low on ratio!
If you're on VPN, visit the security tab in your profile to see if your current ip is marked as server. It will also tell you if your VPN is eligible for (partial) free leech. We can only give free leech to a few VPN ranges, if they are identified as such with their own IP ranges in the whois information. To see if this is the case, visit a site like https://www.whois.com/whois/ and lookup the information for your ip address. If you see the name of your VPN provider in the results, or a known alias thereof (e.g. PrivateInternetAccess sometimes uses London Trust Media Inc), you can send us a Staff PM with a request to make sure that range gets (partial) free leech, just like normal connections. Note that most VPN providers often use multiple ranges and not all ranges may be clearly defined as dedicated VPN ranges, so switching to a different VPN end-node may disable free leech for you.
edit: to clarify what kind of ranges we can successfully identify as VPN ranges, see this example. It clearly states "PureVPN-NET", which for us is enough reason to mark it as VPN range and give it free leech. Note that you still have to add the relevant IP addresses to your whitelist if you don't have 2-step enabled!
This is an example of a VPN node that apparently is used by the same VPN provider, but only contains information about the supplier where PureVPN got their servers from. For all we know 99% of the addresses in this range are regular servers. Therefore, requests like this will be rejected. The same goes for dedicated servers/VPSes that you bought and installed a vpn server on.
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