Google Translation:


Dear users!

We got bored of the hit 'n' runs

We are telling you that we are starting to check hit 'n' runs more intensively today.
We begin to filter out those who immediately get out of the seed as they download the torrent,
and we will be punishing 98% of downloads, as well as those who have been for several weeks a month
are unable to retrieve what they downloaded.

I don't care if you have not reached the amount allowed by Hit & run
For up to 2 non-ripped torrents, we decrypt the download right regardless of rank
while you are not fulfilling your seed.

The staff is working to choose from the largest selection possible.
They're filling up, they're digging up ... but their storage isn't infinite. This is what we expect to download with honor
share it according to the rules. Complete your hit & run obligation.
Everyone can find it on your datasheet.

Hi: Ghost staff