Because the station is exempted for 2 days, the download volume assessment of users who entered the station from June 17th to 19th may not be completed.
In order to avoid this phenomenon, the site has increased the corresponding download amount for the "data users" who entered the station from June 17th to 19th as compensation, which has met the assessment requirements, but you still need to find a way to get the upload amount.

If you are a 0 data user, but still want to save your account within these 2 days, you can send a letter to the management team to apply for an increase in 30G downloads.

User classes who are not entering the station from June 17th to 19th, 2022 will ignore this message.

2022.07.18 - The site RSS has added a promotion type filter.

You need to subscribe to the "free" or other promotion type torrents separately, you can go to this page to get the link