Dear Members,

We're excited to announce a unique donation opportunity designed to cover ongoing server costs and fund enhancements to elevate your FNP experience. If you're keen on backing FNP, Please consider making a donation if you can. Your generous support is invaluable to us and greatly enhances our ability to deliver top-notch service, improvements, and maintenance. 💙

This special offer will remain active for the next 3 days. Ordinarily priced at €90, ⭐Get it now for only €40⭐

For more information please visit our Donate Page

Thank you for your ongoing support. To those members who have inquired or wondered whether they can add another offer to their account, the answer is yes! You can still avail of the offer, even if you took advantage of it the last time it was available. 😊

How to Support FNP:
To make your donation and enjoy the exclusive benefits, Kindly send a PM to Kami or Create a Support Ticket specifying your preferred donation method. They will provide you with the necessary information.

Available Donation Methods:

12 Months V.I.P. Membership = Now Only €40 and enjoy the follwing perks for 12 months:
Promotion to V.I.P.-V.IP. ⭐
1TiB Upload Credit
1,000,000 Bonus Points
25 Invites
Free Leech on All Torrents for 12 Months
Double Upload credit on All Torrents for 12 Months
No need to seed or worry about 'ratio'
Add Sparkles and a Star to your username
The warm feeling of knowing you're supporting FNP.

Best regards,
Fear No Peer!