YELIN开发团队成立于2012年9月27日,主要成员为各高校的研究生、本科生以及部分在职人员。团 队 主要进行的项目为某播放器的开发,YELIN开发团队播放器项目启动于2012年10月13日 ,开发人员分 为开发组、美工组、测试组,在经过成员精简之后,目前开发组15人,美工组7人,测试组2人。

本项目为开发一个视频播放器及其附属网站的搭建,播放器基于Qt和libvlc,且大部分的工 作是基于li nux下开发。播放器特点之一是能与当前主流PT站(主要为高校内)进行关联,把视频播放与资源下载 结合在 一起,提供一体化播放流程(需要说明的是在播放方面我们不负责资源部分,我们只是做播放器); 特点之二是有 很多个性化及定制的功能;上述功能并不是我们所需求的全部功能,其他特点暂不透漏。

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YELIN development team was established in September 27, 2012, mainly members of the university's graduate students, undergraduates and some serving officers. Major projects undertaken by the team for a player development, YELIN development team player project started on October 13, 2012, the developer into the development group, art group, test group, after members of the streamlining, the current development team 15 people, art group of 7 people, test group 2.

This project is to develop a video player and its affiliated websites to build, the player based on Qt and libvlc, and most of the work is based on linux under development. One of the features is the player with the current mainstream PT stations (mainly colleges and universities) to correlate the video playback and resources together to provide integrated playback process (Note that we are not responsible in playback resources section, we have only done player); characteristics of the two is a lot of personalization and customization features; these functions is not what we need all the features other features temporarily disclosed.

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