11.6事件受骗会员请于11月12日晚上12点前请在论坛栏的公告区“11月6日虚假捐赠短消息已捐 赠会员信息收集帖”回复相关信息,逾期将不再补偿,请大家理解。


  此次事件的发生,大家也不用惊慌,也不用去猜测,帐号被盗这样的事件,互联网上每时每刻都在发生,技术 层面来讲,就像QQ、网游帐号被盗一样,盗窃者也仅仅是窃取了某一个管理员的帐号和密码,并不是黑客侵入服 务器这种高技术的活。

  管理组经过此次事件,会更加小心保管帐号和密码,同时,已在为网站开发新的功能,会进一步记录及限制, 避免此类事件再次发生。


11.6 Event deceived member please at 0:00 on November 12 before the announcement in the forum bar area "November 6 false donation message has donated membership information gathering Tie" Reply relevant information late will not be compensated, please understand .

Master I will be the 13th member of Unified Contact cheated to give the same amount of compensation.

The occurrence of this incident, we do not panic, do not take guesses, stolen account such events happen all the time on the internet, technical terms, like QQ, online account theft as theft it is only to steal a certain administrator account and password, not hacking servers such high-tech living.

After the incident management team, will be more careful custody account and password, meanwhile, has been to develop new features for the site will further records and restrictions to prevent such incidents from happening again.