
We're sure you've seen the news of the passing of Akira Complex earlier this week. Everyone just about everywhere has given their condolences and shared stories and made tributes and album collages and played their songs for their remembrance in a way that's more important than some statement. We echo all of those contributions and sentiments here. Please take the time to read or listen or play whatever those things are - most have been posted publicly on twitter and facebook. In doing so, please don't pry into anyone's lives and do respect the boundaries and wishes of those grieving. People will open up when they are ready; they have the right to grieve for as long as they need.

It's important to realize just how much people really do care about you. Please reach out to someone you trust if you're hurting, and everyone reach out to one another more often too, no justification needed. Maybe you've thought about someone recently and think you're going to bother them. Just say "hey I hope you're doing well." That's it. It goes a long way. In whatever way though, just check in with one another, please. We do what we can for one another and we're all in this together, alright?

If you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts or ideations, please call or text 988 (in the USA) or contact your local suicide prevention helplines. For global resources, appears to be kept up-to-date, but please cross-reference with known local resources too. If there's something better to reference please let staff know.

Rest easy, Charlie.