Great GA, man!
I'd like to apply for HD-French
I will send speedtests/proofs asap
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I want an HD-French invite.. you could help.
Last edited by CapsLock; 11-24-2013 at 10:00 AM. Reason: unedited proof
hello and welcome to mate,
please mate take your time to read our forums rules : [CLICK HERE TO READ FORUM RULES]
and never ever post a unedited proof of your private tracker at the public.. (as mention in the forum rules)
Some trackers don't like invites forums and they ban their users. Exposed usernames, download, upload or even email makes their job easier and they can track, ban you easily. It's for your own safety and privacy.
P/S: Please don't use the same username for your tracker, your account might have a risk to getting banned or disable.
if you using the same username at your tracker and here please fill up this FORM to change your username here.
Hide your username, number of invites, amount of bonus points and user class.
Partially hide your actual upload, download and ratio, only the first digits and the unit (GB, TB) remain visible.
you can follow and read the guide/tutorial below :
How to make Ratioproof - With screenshots
Improve Tutorial : How To Make Ratio Proof, Speedtest Proof or Seedbox Proof
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