Want to add a quick quote or image to your document? Google's new Research tool has you covered.

Google just added a new Research tool to its Docs app on Android. The new tool will allow you to place quotes or images in your documents without leaving the app. This is very handy if you're working on a longer research project, a party invitation, or a worksheet for students. Here's how to use the new tool:

Tap on the menu (three dots) in the upper right hand corner and choose the Research option. You will see Google Search load within the Docs app.

Search the Web within the app for your subject. Web and Image results are divided by tabs along the top.

For quotes, press and hold on text as you would when copying it in another app. For images just tap on the one you want to use.

The Insert button will appear in the top right of the research pane to place the quote or image in your document.

Quotes and images will appear in your document at your cursor's current location.

While this process is similar to copy and paste, it's a bit more streamlined since you don't have to leave the app to grab a quote or image. Perhaps Google could integrate this functionality with Google Books as one of the research tools in the future.