WHETHER you're a burger, kebab or pizza fan, you've almost certainly craved junk food after a night out.

It seems no matter how hard you try you just can't walk past the greasy chippy on your way home, the "drunchies" - that's drunk munchies - have got the better of you.

But now science may have the answer...and it's not your fault.

All that alcohol makes your blood sugar levels spike then plummet, leaving you starving and making you crave salty, fattier foods.

No wonder that greasy burger tastes delicious!

Scientists from the University of Buffalo in the US followed 286 university students to asses their eating and drinking habits.

Volunteers were asked how often they ate food after a boozy night out, and what they were likely to eat.

"All alcohol drinkers were more likely to eat something before they went to bed after drinking alcohol than in general before they go to bed," lead author Jessica Kruger said.

"It is believed that after drinking alcohol, the amount of blood glucose in the body can rise and fall which stimulates the brain to feel hungry."

They were all more likely to opt for salty snack foods and pizza, healthy foods, such as dark green vegetables and other veggies were unappealing.

The unhealthy choices didn't stop there, either.

Participants also opted for junk food the next day when feeling hungover.

Foods like yoghurt and whole grains were ditched in favour of pizza or a curry.

More unhealthy, carb-laden foods were thought to "soak up" excess alcohol in the system, but this isn't actually true, Kruger said.

How to enjoy a boozy night out WITHOUT the guilt of the 'drunchies'

The key is preparation, dietitian Helen Bond told The Sun.

"Have something to eat two to three hours before you go out, something like baked beans on wholegrain toast is a good option," she said.

"That will give you sustenance and make you feel full so you won't be starving by the time you get out.

"Baked beans are a plant based protein so they will fill you up and release their energy slowly.

"Or try something like a wholegrain bagel, smoked salmon and cream cheese.

"Just have a good snack so you are well prepared when you go out."

But what about when you get home - that's the part when you really struggle not to make a detour.

Helen suggests having similar snacks on hand for when you get home.

Toasting a wholegrain bagel with some cream cheese will give you that satisfaction of having eaten a carb-filled meal without the guilt of a McDonald's.

Now the night out is over, what about getting through the dreaded hangover?

You might think a greasy fry up is all that will get you through, but actually that's not a good choice.

Instead, opt for food that rich in nutrients to help your body recover faster, Helen said.

"Alcohol does make your blood sugar drop so it makes you really hungry the next day, you have that combination of being really hungover and also really tired," she added.

"So you tend to eat to get through the next day.

"There's a few choices for breakfast, first of all I'd go for good old porridge.

"It's a wholegrain so will release energy slowly throughout the morning which will counteract that fall in blood sugar levels caused by alcohol.

"Add things like walnuts, which is high in vitamin b for energy, and a glass of orange juice for vitamin C to help boost your absorption of iron for energy.

patient's back
"If porridge isn't your thing try poached eggs on sourdough toast with spinach.

"Protein is a great hangover option to curb hunger, but they also have an amino acid that helps to break down toxin byproducts of alcohol.

"Plus you'll get all the goodness you get from eggs and spinach for boosting your immune system and energy levels."

Also, don't forget to drink PLENTY of water.

Alcohol dehydrates you, which is why you feel so rubbish the next day, so it's vital you replace the water you've lost.