The new trade deals including "Obamatrade" (TPP) will put us more at risk for being caught torrenting. Wikileaks leaked a few sections of the bill including the regulating the internet. Our representatives can only view one page of the bill at a time in a secret room under capital hill. Our Representatives can't bring pencil, paper or phones to record notes or take to anyone. They are not allowed to speak about the bill's contents.

Drug companies will be able to price their drugs at whatever prices they will control all competition.
ISPs will be forced to police the net and make it more dangerous and costly for those who are caught breaking copyright laws or torrent.

EVERYONE PLEASE: Email/phone your US county representatives ( ). Ask what their stance is and tell them to vote no. This is not a "Free Trade Deal" because "Free Trade Deals" are transparent and should not have to be leaked to know whats in them. ------This one is a detailed explanation (RECOMMENDED) (~5 min) ------This is very brief