When Facebook spent $1 billion to purchase Instagram, many wondered how Mark Zuckerberg could ever make his money back on the deal. At the time, Instagram was not monetized and no one could see how something like that could happen. But last October, Instagram announced that it would start running ads on the app, something that happened the very next month.
Get ready to be bombarded with ads if you are an Instagram user. A published report on Friday says that Omnicom Media will be spending $100 million on Instagram ads on behalf of clients, over the next year. Currently, Instagram has 150 million active users with 60% of them outside the U.S. 55 million pictures are loaded on the app daily.
According to the report, ads in the user's stream will remain there for more than a day and will be in the form of a still image or a video. Instead of throwing a ton of ads at Instagram users and seeing what sticks, the spots will be targeted and selective. Instagram is said to be working with a small number of long term partners.