Blutopia is a community-built Movie/TV/FANRES/ProRes Trailers. It has torrent in the following categories: 96K - Movie, 42K - TV Show , 395 - FANRES It has a total of 139K torrents in which 126k is
HD content. Along with our extensive passion for movies and TV shows, we also offer one of the best selections of something that most don't - FANRES! They have few excellent encoders like WiLDCAT in this category who regularly upload re-encoded, upscaled, regraded, HDR colored releases which are very unique here.
You will find torrents of many reputable
trackers, M-Team, CHDBits,
TTG, PrivateHD,
HD-torrents, etc. They also have their own reputable internal encoders like PmP,BLURANiUM,CultFilms™ ,WiLDCAT ,WG ,BLUTONiUM.
Blutopia’s strong focus on
HD content, a proactive userbase, an awesome/secure codebase and a helpful and friendly Staff Team makes it a nice to have