Compensation for recent server instability and something to celebrate - 20230314
The forum post can be clicked: Compensation about the recent server instability and some things worth celebrating - 20230314

Compensation: 66666 magic power, 666G upload, 20 replacement cards.
1. The server has become unstable since the number of site registrations increased in September last year. Four high-performance 16-72 core independent servers have been replaced, but all of them have met my expectations. Although the load is still high today, 500 errors and 503 errors are rare.
2. Based on the initial stabilization of the server, the former big carousel, top plugin, post likes and post rewards, custom menu and other special plugins have returned. I hope these plugins can play their role and bring you some new experiences.
3. It is worth celebrating that the post office built by the server has finally returned. is more formal than the previous QQ mailbox.
4. The self-built picture bed has finally been built,, but due to the current low performance and storage performance of the picture bed, and the yellowing API cannot be placed on the latest version of the picture bed for the time being, in order to avoid abuse , so it is only open to publishers, or netizens who often switch species. If you have this need, you can contact the administrator to activate it manually. You need to provide a user name, email address, and initial password.

I originally wanted to wait and see for a while and wait for the server to stabilize before posting this news and compensation, but after thinking about it, waiting may chill the hearts of many netizens, so choosing a day is worse than hitting the day, just today.
Thank you for your support, tolerance and understanding all the time, and thanks to those netizens who are still enthusiastic about seeding, seeding and working hard to contribute to the website despite the terrible environment of the website, thank you.

By the way, the server may still have 500 and 503 errors, I hope everyone understands.