Recent Security Changes


We have made some changes that some of you might be facing issues with. If your client is returning "connection closed by peer" or "SSL Handshake Failed", this is due to our recent Transport Layer Security (TLS) changes. We with good reason have dropped support for TLS v1.0 and TLS v1.1. You can check our status here: .

This change is permanent and will NOT be reverted. If you are facing issues all I can say is to update your client and or try some of the tips HERE to see if it is indeed your client or OS causing the issue for you. In most cases its an issue with older versions of uTorrent and in my honest opinion people should stop using software that is EOL.

Some of you maybe asking why? Well to be frank this is something all trackers should be doing. TLS 1.0 & 1.1 is depreciated. TLS 1.0 was released in 1999, making it a nearly two-decade-old protocol. It has been known to be vulnerable to attacks—such as BEAST and POODLE—for years, in addition to supporting weak cryptography, which doesn’t keep modern-day connections sufficiently secure. TLS 1.1 is the forgotten “middle child.” It doesn’t have any known protocol vulnerabilities, though does share support for bad cryptography like its younger sibling. In most software it was leapfrogged by TLS 1.2 and it’s rare to see TLS 1.1 used. Besides in the torrent realm and these shitty old torrent clients ppl use. Dont believe me? Do some research.

Some maybe asking why can we not open a http slot for announce so older clients can still be used like PrivateHD did. That will not be happening. Blutopia is a HTTPS only site. HTTPS Everywhere. Strict Transport Security (HSTS) and HSTS Preloading. Unencrypted communication—via HTTP and other protocols—creates a large number of privacy, security, and integrity vulnerabilities. Such exchanges are susceptible to interception, manipulation, and impersonation, and can reveal users credentials, history, identity, and other sensitive information. We need to protect ourselves, and our users, against these threats by delivering data over HTTPS.

Take a look at our rating here.

So in the end if your OS or client cannot handle the recent changes then upgrade/fix or use another site. This is not to sound rude but security is more important then us loosing some users and peers.

I hope you all respect the recent change. As it helps protect us all more. Also please note this change does not make us bullet proof. Its just a step closer in the right direction. There are many different paths when in comes to security.

Best Regards,
