Hey...it's not impossible to keep a good ratio on TT from home connection...i've had about 40 Gigs buffer from freeleech in over an year.Of course, only if you want to keep a good ratio without actually downloading non freeleech stuff whatsover.If you want to leech, i recommend TR, it's full of green (freeleech) torrents added daily.
HDsource.biz --------------------->Difficult tracker to seed. Not many leechers. The only solution is to download a new torrent and stick with it.
Bithumen ---------------------> Very easy to seed lots of leechers on every torrent.
For HD-Bits.ro choose sticky torrents, seed and use your bonus points @ mybonus.php
For CHDBits.org, choose fresh freeleech torrents with 1 seeder and many leechers
You should choose all freeleech torrents you can grab and stick with them...on trackers harder to seed at, if you can't keep a ratio over 1 from the start, you will not be able to come back soon to a positive ratio.that's exactly the case with mv.Of course, you can always upload content, but you must also follow their strict upload rules.....
Last edited by DonCorleoneTI; 07-17-2013 at 09:05 AM.
You could use a cross seed because it is the one of the easiest to keep ratio...Even boost it, especially if you had a seedbox...
For waffles if you upload a file in flac also upload the same in V0. So that way you cover the flac users and mp3 users. make sure your mp3s are not transcodes!
Ermm... Question... How does Freeleech torrent help build good ratio?
Normally there are tons of seeders compared to leechers on a freeleech torrent. How can you seed then?
While a tracker is on free leech , your upload counts & your download doesn't count .
As an example if you downloaded 50gb pack & uploaded 5 -10 gb your ratio will increase since the download is not counted.
Try to be the first to download & seed , also leave the torrent/s running for a while . Most of the users seed for couple of day , for me if i liked a torrent i'll seed it for a long time.