Torrent Invites! Buy, Trade, Sell Or Find Free Invites, For EVERY Private Tracker!, BTN, PTP, MTV, Empornium, Orpheus, Bibliotik, RED, IPT, TL, PHD etc!

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Thread: How to get Invites at your tracker

  1. #1
    FreshWater's Avatar
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    How to get Invites at your tracker

    In this thread it would be great to post how much upload someone needs to be able to receive invites and what is the frequency of receiving those once someone is allegeable to receive invites. Also do they give invites right way when someone fulfills the upload criteria or not.
    This would help people to know up to what point do they have to upload for the purpose of getting invites. This way they will be more efficient in getting those invites and will be able to contribute more invites to this community.

    3DTorrents You can exchange Bonus Points for invites
    1 invite = 500 BP
    3DTVBits Power User and above ranks get invites


    You can exchange Bonus Points for invites
    1 invite = 100 BP
    32Pages Invites are given to all users with the class Vigilante or above.

    First time donors of any user class will receive a number of invites based on the quantity of their donation.

    Invites will be added on the 1st of the month for the following classes:
    Super Hero
    Special Classes
    4thDimension 5,000 bonus points

    User Classes:

    Trooper - uploads over 2gb per month receive 1 invite per month
    Lieutenant - If invitee upload is over 2 GB/month and a ratio of .75 is maintained, will be given 2 invites/month
    Pilot - can request 1 invite per month
    Astronaut - can request 2 invites per month
    Skywalker - can request 3 invites per month
    Jedi - can request 4 invites per month
    Time Traveller - can request 5 invites per month
    ABNormal You can get an invite to an interview only, no direct invites.
    ABTorrents You can exchange Bonus Points for invites
    3 invites = 6500 BP


    You can donate.
    AceHD Invites will be issued to our best and most active members and are also a perk of donating to help pay for the server costs.
    You will have downloaded Something and seeded it 1:1
    Must been using the forums and becoming part of the community.
    Don't sking for invites at your first post
    Then Its up to the Staff Member to give Extra Invites at their discretion.
    Adult Cinema Network STAFF ONLY CAN SEND INVITES
    Only Power User or above can send invitation.

    Power User ( Member > 10 Weeks, Download > 250Gb, Ratio > 1.20 ) Recieves 1 invite when promoted
    Elite User ( Member > 20 Weeks, Download > 400Gb, Ratio > 1.60 ) Recieves 1 invite when promoted
    Crazy User ( Member > 30 Weeks, Download > 700Gb, Ratio > 1.90 ) Recieves 2 invite when promoted
    Extreme User ( Member > 40 Weeks, Download > 1100Gb, Ratio > 2.40 ) Recieves 1 invite when promoted
    Ultimate User ( Member > 50 Weeks, Download > 1500Gb, Ratio > 3.00 ) Recieves 3 invite when promoted

    You can exchange Bonus Points for invites
    1 Invite = 50000 BP
    Via donations you get invites
    AlphaRatio Invites are regularly given to members who contribute to the tracker.

    Random 'IRC Giveaway' channel.

    Global invites are open to all user classes for 24 hour periods.

    Upon donating.
    Animebytes Power user (Member > 2 weeks , Upload >10 torrents , Upload >25Gb , Ratio >0.90) and above ranks recieve invites
    AnimeTorrents You can exchange Bonus Points for invites
    1 invite = 500 BP
    5 invites =1000 BP
    Anthelion Donating.

    Elite > max 2 invites.
    Guru > max 3 invites.
    Torrent Master > max 4 invites.
    Invite system closed - staff only.
    Appzuniverse 1.0 Ratio, 20GB Uploaded Grants Bronze Status + 1 invite
    1.25 Ratio, 40GB Uploaded Grants Silver Status + 2 invites
    1.45 Ratio, 60GB Uploaded Grants Gold Status + 3 invites
    1.65 Ratio, 80GB Uploaded Grants Platinum Status + 4 invites
    1.85 Ratio, 160GB Uploaded Grants VIP Status + 5 invites
    2.0 Ratio, 180GB Uploaded & 5 Active Torrents Grants Uploader Status + 6 invites
    2.5 Ratio, 500GB Uploaded Grants Extreme AU User Status + 10 invites


    Via donations
    Arab-Extra You can donate to get invites.
    ArabScene Only staff can send invites


    You can donate to register and you getting some extra invites too
    ArabicSource 40,000 bonus points


    Arab-Torrents 1 invite = 99,999.99 BP
    AsianCinema 1 invite = 200,000 BP
    AsianDVDClub Request through staff - To qualify:

    - uploaded at least three torrents in the last six months (must include subs + old torrents do not qualify)

    - be seeding thirty non freeleech torrents (gold torrents do not count)
    850 points for 1 invite
    AudioNews Uploaders - the more you upload and the longer you are an active member, the more invites you will receive.

    Via donation.
    AussieRules 3 x invites for 150 bonus points
    Avistaz You can exchange Bonus points for invites.
    1 invite = 10000 BP
    Awesome-HD HD-Master - 2 invites per month (total invites capped at 3)
    HD-King - unlimited invites
    BaconBits You can exchange with Bonus Points, 10,000 per Invite
    BalkanElite Power Users ( Registered > 8weeks, Upload > 100Gb , Ratio >1.05) recieve invites
    Bemaniso You can exchange Bonus Points for invites
    1 invite = 100 BP
    BeyondHD If you are Power Member ( Registered > 90days , Upload > 500Gb ) and above ranks
    Bibliotik Power user ( Registered > 2 weeks, Ratio > 1.05 , Upload >10Gb +10 Torrents or Upload >1Gb + 100 torrents) and above ranks recieve invites

    Power User : 2 Invites per month (max 2)
    Elite User : 4 invites per month ( max 4)
    Users can exchange 650 bonus points for 3 invites.


    via donation.
    Bit-HDTV Power User: Must have been be a member for at least 5 weeks, have uploaded at least 50GB, downloaded 50GB and have a ratio at or above 1.05. You will get 2 invites at this rank.

    Insane User : Must have been be a member for at least 15 weeks, have uploaded at least 500GB, downloaded 150GB and have a ratio at or above 3.05.The promotion is automatic when these conditions are met. Note that you will be automatically demoted fromthis status if your ratio drops below 2.95 at any time. You will get 3 invites at this rank.

    Also from Bonus : 1000 BP for 5 invites (Only >Power Users can send invites.)
    Bithorlo You can exchange Credits for invites (Super User or above)
    1 Invite = 1000 Credit
    BitHumen You need 15 stars per Invite and you can send on anytime.
    - more than 1TB Upload you need 10 stars to give Invite.
    - more than 5 TB Upload you need 5 stars to give Invite.
    BitHQ Elite Users (Member > 16 weeks, Uploaded > 800GB , Ratio > 1.5.) and above ranks can send invites (Staff need to approve)
    You can exchange invites for Bonus Points
    1 invite = 50000 BP
    BitVN Via donations you get invites
    [COLOR=#000000]Invite system disabled.
    Must have been be a member for at least 4 weeks, have uploaded at least 15GB and have a ratio at or above 1.05.The promotion is automatic when these conditions are met. Note that you will be automatically demoted fromthis status if your ratio drops below 0.95 at any time.
    You start with 10 invites and they keep giving.

    Or should atleast be a member for 6 months
    with 5GB Uploaded or Downloaded with a minimum ratio of 0.5
    BizTorrents Every 4 weeks
    1 invite if Downloaded > 25Gb and Ratio > 1
    2 invites if Downloaded > 50Gb and Ratio > 1.25
    3 invites if Downloaded > 100Gb and Ratio > 1.50
    You can exchange an invite using Seed Bonus Point
    1 invite per 750.000 bonus points
    Blu-Bits You can exchange Bonus Points for invites
    1 invite = 500 Bonus Points
    You can exchange Bonus Points for invites
    3 Invites = 5000 BP
    Blutopia Invites can be purchased via the BON store - 2500.

    Invites can be obtained through donation.
    Breathetheword BTW Lounger and above can only ask for invites atm.
    Must been using the forums and becoming part of the community.Then Its up to the Staff Member to give Extra Invites at their discretion.
    BrokenStones Power users ( Registered > 4 Weeks, Upload > 1 torrent + 50Gb , Ratio > 1.05) and above ranks recieve invites
    BTNext Power users with a ratio of 1.5+

    User classes 'Master" and above can exchange lumens for one or more invites.

    One invite is worth 20,000 lumens.

    One 'lumens' is equal to 1,000 bonus points minus a 20% tax.
    BwTorrents 1 invite cost = 5,00,000 Karma BP
    You can exchange an invite using Point System
    1 invite = 1 point
    Loner ranks and above can use exchange system
    CCFBits You can exchange an invite using Seed Bonus Points
    1 invite = 20000 BP
    CinefilHD All users receive one invite upon successful registration.

    All donations amount bring invites.
    Cinemageddon Invites recently given to user classes:

    - Superfans
    - VIP
    - Team
    - Gimp
    Cinematik - be a Power User or above;
    - have a global share ratio of 1.0 or above;
    - have been a member for at least 12 months (6 months for more generous contributors to the site)

    Request in the designated forum. One invite per six month period.
    CinemaMovies Via donations you can get invites
    CinemaZ 10,000 bonus points
    3 invites 650 point
    CMCT-PT Insane User : Get 1 invite
    Extreme User : Get 2 invites
    Nexus Master : Get 3 invites

    Insane User ( Member > 20 weeks, Download > 200Gb , Upload > 800Gb , Ratio > 1.2)
    Extreme User ( Member > 25 weeks, Download > 1.0TB , Upload > 5.0TB , Ratio > 1.5)
    Nexus Master ( Member > 30 weeks, Download > 2.0TB , Upload > 10.0TB , Ratio > 1.5)
    Concertos 1 x invite = 500 bonus points
    You can exchange Bonus Points for invites
    3 Invite = 750 BP
    CrypticHaven Bonus points


    Only Power Users and above can automatically receive invites.

    Power and Super Users can hold one invite and are given a new one every 3 months, except in the event of one already being present.
    Hardcore Users can hold one invite and are given a new one every 2 months, except in the event of one already being present.
    Diamond Users can hold two invites and are given a new one every 2 months, except in the event of two already being present.
    Legend and Epic Users can hold two invites and are given a new one every month, except in the event of two already being present.


    Via donation you get 1 invite every month.
    DataScene 1 invite = 10,000 points
    You need to have atleast 15 Gb uploaded. You also need some amount of forum posts in the month you want to receive the invite. The number of forum posts is undeclared and is known only to staff.
    1 invite cost = 1,25,000 BP
    3 invites when you reach the rank Uber-User or
    Via Donations you can get invites
    DVDseed Currently disabled
    Elite-Tracker 1 invite cost 1000000 bonus points ( 1 Mil. ) OR by donations 7 EUR getting VIP for 1 week + 2 invites.
    You can exchange Bonus Points for invites.
    1 invite = 1000 points
    Upon promotion to power user.

    Invite system currently disabled.
    euTorrents You can exchange Bonus points for invites.
    1 invite = 500 BP
    Exigo VIPs have a fast invite app, where they can get invites, and normal users can try as well, but it have to be some elite Music people from other sites, for staff to approve.
    10,000 bonus points
    You can exchange Bonus points for invites.
    1 invite = 500 BP

    Invites are given out on the 8th and 22th of each month.
    Exchange FLCoins: 10,000 Coins - 1 invite
    You can exchange Bonus points for invites.
    1 invite = 4.000 BP
    You can exchange Bonus points for invites.
    1 invite = 2.000 BP
    Frolik You can exchange Bonus points for invites.
    1 invite = 100.000 BP
    FSc You win them on events or get them though an invite aplication ( No special amount of upload/time beeing there - you just have to be an active member - and invite someone who Can ADD something to fsc)
    FunFile Exchange credits for invites (1 Invite 100 credits) only for
    Delusional or above user classes (uploaded 50GB, member for 4 weeks).
    Gaytorrent Exchange of bonus points:

    One invite = 250 bonus points.

    Two invites = 400 bonus points.

    Donations may give you invites.
    GazelleGames User class Pro-Gamer & Elite Gamer receive 1-2 invites at promotion

    Legendary Gamer & Master Gamer receive 1-2 invites per month (0 at promotion)

    Gaming God can send unlimited invites


    Bonus Points (11,500 - 20,000 - 27,000)
    GFT 1 invite for 10000 when donations over 200%
    1 invite for 25000 points in normal
    Goem Via donations you get invites
    Via donations you get invites.
    Gold users : 1 invite (100Gb , Ratio >1.5 , Register >90 days)
    Jade users : 2 invites (250Gb , Ratio >2 , Register >150 days)
    Coral users : 2 invites (500Gb , Ratio >2.25 , Register >180 days)
    Topaz users : 2 invites (1TB , Ratio >2.5 , Register >210 days)
    Emerald users : 3 invites (3TB , Ratio >3 , Register >250 days)
    Ruby users : 3 invites (5TB , Ratio >3 , Register >300 days)
    Diamond users : 5 invites (10TB , Ratio >3 , Register >360 days)

    Note that invites are not added (so f.e. diamond users do not have 1+2+2+2+3+3+5. They only get 5! )

    Besides, other ranks that can't be reached by users and only appointed by staff :

    Uploader : 2 invites
    Trusted+ : 3 invites
    Trusted+ : 3 invites
    VIP : 3 invites
    VIP+ : 10 invites (the maximum that someone can get)
    Translator : 2 invites
    GrL radio DJ : 2 invites
    GL Addicted+ : 10 invites (the maximum that someone can get)
    You can exchange Bonus Points for invites
    2 invite = 2000 BP

    or via Donations
    Donations $50USD+

    88,888 bonus points
    HD4Fans Crazy User : Get two invitations.
    Veteran User : Get three invitations.
    Ultimate User : Get 5 invitations
    Nexus Master : Get 10 invitations


    Exchange 20000 BP for 1 invite
    Invites through BON store - 2500


    Newbies receive 3 invites upon joining.
    Only staff can send invites.
    Invites will be given about by Moderators and Admins on there discretion.
    To use them : You're seeding at least 2TiB of data of the following content types: full discs, remuxes, caps or internal encodes;


    - you're seeding at least 1TiB of data from the aforementioned content types and 3.5TiB in total.

    You also need to have downloaded at least 1TiB and been seeding the data for ~ 2 months.
    HDChina You can exchange Bonus Points for invites
    1 invite = 100,000 BP
    HDCity Power User ( Member > 4 Weeks , Upload > 50 Gb . Ratio > 1.0) recieve 1 invite
    Crazy User ( Member > 12 Weeks , Upload > 500 Gb . Ratio > 1.5) recieve 2 invites
    Veteran User ( Member > 24 Weeks , Upload > 5 TB . Ratio > 2.5) recieve 3 invites
    Ultimate User ( Member > 72 Weeks , Upload > 20 TB . Ratio > 2.8) recieve 5 invites
    Nexus Master ( Member > 100 Weeks , Upload > 40 TB . Ratio > 4.0) recieve 10 invites
    HDClub You can exchange Bonus Points for invites
    3 invites = 15000 BP
    HDHome 1 invite costs 20,000 bonus points
    - The projectionists (76 members to date, no more than one application per month)
    - The Framing (89 members; 1 application per week)
    - The Directors (13 members; up to 1 request per day)
    - Producers (1 single member; unlimited credit applications)
    HDSky You can exchange Bonus Points for invites.
    1 invite = 100000 points
    HD-Space You can exchange Bonus Points for invites

    1 Invites = 1000.0
    2 Invites = 1500.0
    3 Invites = 2000.0
    10000 points for 1 invite (VIP or above can send invite)
    HD-Torrents Exchange 10,000 bonus points for 1 invite


    Invites can be obtained via donation.
    You can exchange Bonus Points for invites.
    3 invites = 500 BP
    Hon3yHD 1 invite upon signup


    Crazy User and above ranks recieve invites

    Also via Donations you can recieve invites

    Crazy User : Member > 15 weeks, download 200GB and ratio greater than 2.5.
    Insane User : Member > 20 weeks, download 400GB and ratio greater than 3.0.
    Veteran User : Member > 25 weeks, download 600GB and ratio greater than 3.5.
    Extreme User : Member > 25 weeks, download and ratio greater than 1TB 4.0.
    Ultimate : Member > 30 weeks, download larger than 1.5TB and ratio of 4.05.
    Nexus Master : Member > 30 weeks, downloaded more than 3TB and larger ratio of 4.55.
    HQSource You can exchange Bonus Points for invites
    1 invite = 50.000 BP
    You can exchange Bonus Points for invites
    1 invite = 950 BP
    ILoveTorzz Contact staff directly, open to all user classes.

    Donating brings 1-2 invites depending on amount spent.
    Power user (Registered > 4 Weeks, Uploaded > 10Gb + 1 torrent, Ratio >1.05) : 2 invites per month (max4)
    Elite User (Registered > 8 Weeks, Uploaded > 50Gb + 10 torrent, Ratio >1.05) : 3 invites per month (max4)
    Vip User : Unlimited Invites
    Insane (newinsane) You can exchange Bonus Points for invites
    1 Invite = 300BP points
    IPTorrents Power users receive 1 - 3 invites per month at the discretion of staff.

    (Power Users must be a member for 4 weeks, uploaded 50gb with a ratio above 1.05)


    Invites can be obtained via donation.
    iTS Only Established Members+ can submit an invite application
    Power User ( Member > 4 Weeks , Upload > 50 Gb . Ratio > 1.2) recieve 1 invite
    Crazy User ( Member > 15 Weeks , Upload > 200 Gb . Ratio > 2.5) recieve 2 invites
    Veteran User ( Member > 25 Weeks , Upload > 600 Gb. Ratio > 4.5) recieve 3 invites
    Ultimate User ( Member > 30 Weeks , Upload > 2 TB . Ratio > 6.5) recieve 5 invites
    Nexus Master ( Member > 50 Weeks , Upload > 5 TB . Ratio > 6.0) recieve 10 invites
    Everyone is given 2 invites with their new account, however only Member Class( 10GB uploaded. Has been a member of the site for more than a week and ratio above 0.7) and above can use their invites.
    Power Users( 25GB uploaded, uploaded 5 torrents, has been a member of the site for 2 weeks or more and ratio above 1.05) and Donors are issued an invite once a month. Maximum number of invites is 10 (for Power Users).
    VIP members have an unlimited number of invitations. You can exchange Bonus Points for invites
    2 invites = 350 BP
    Closed , you can only ask from the staff
    Via donations you can recieve invites
    You can exchange Bonus points for invites.
    3 invites = 600 BP


    Via donations
    you can get invites
    If you are active user you can ask from Staff to add some invites
    Invites are given out per user class on the 8th and 22nd of each month.

    Silver - Monthly Invites (max 4)
    Gold - Bi-weekly Invites (max 4)
    Platinum - Bi-weekly Invites (max 6)
    VIP, Torrent Celebrity, Libble Legend - unlimited invites
    LinkoManija 1-3 invites for donors.

    1-3 invites may be obtained from staff in IRC channel #LMInvite

    Contest winners and contributions to the tracker may score you 1-10 invites.
    You can exchange Bonus points for invites.
    1 invite = 35.000 Bonus Points
    Also, Ultimate User ( Member > 105 Weeks, Download > 1050Gb, Ratio > 4.05) Recieves 3 invites when promoted.
    1 Invite = 5000 points and rating is more than 1 and experience on the tracker for more than 1 month and upload more than 25GB

    3 Invites = 10000 points and rating is more than 1 and experience on the tracker for more than 1 month and upload more than 100GB
    LzTr Every month, on the 8th, each Power User gets one invite (max of 4).
    Every month, on the 8th and the 22nd, each Elite User gets one invite (max of 4).
    1 invite when promoted, oditional invites can be purchased for 20 000 bonus points
    1 Invite = 80,000 Bonus Points
    MMA-Tracker Invites are given to those who have uploaded at least 50GB and have a respectable ratio.
    One invite per 50GB uploaded. You are responsible for who you invite, and your invite privileges
    can be taken away at anytime.
    Grip: 1
    Key Grip: 2
    Camera Operator: 2
    Boom Operator: 4
    Gaffer: 4
    Engineer: 5

    Special Classes

    Assistant Producer - 10
    Donor - Unlimited (You know we’ve never tried to bribe people into donating as we can pay for the servers out of our own pocket. But we feel those who want to contribute to our community in this way should have some sort of privilege. They will of course follow the same system just like everyone else.)
    Network Affiliate - 2
    Editor - Unlimited (This class is reserved for releasers)

    The first step of sending and invite will be manual, you will send a message to the staff and we will send you a form to complete. So for now you will need to send a message to the Staff Inbox. DO NOT message a staffer directly for a invite form, you may be warned if you do this.
    Movie-Torrentz 250 points for 5 Invites
    Music-vidz Via donations you receive invites.
    Via donations or Invites are given to power trippers, and onward.

    First time donors of any user class get a one-time gift of two invites.

    Power trippers are given their invites on the 8th and 22nd of every month. Power trippers invites are not handed out at midnight GMT on these dates, so please be patient. On the 8th and 22nd of each month, every power trippers gets at least one invite.There is a hard maximum of 2 invites for pleb, memer and power trippers.

    Note that invites from donating and special events are not counted in this limit.
    Via donations only.

    IRC interview (new members)
    Power User : receives 1 invite per week
    Super User : receives 1 invite per week
    Every week up to a maximum of 10
    Nebulance Specialist User Class > Unlimited Invites (staff appointed)
    Norbits Upon request via staff > Use the 'Staff Contact Form' subject 'Invites'

    New members are required to wait a few weeks prior to receiving invites and must have a ratio of 0.300 or greater.
    NordicBits Donations.
    Only donors can purchase and send invites.

    1 invite = 3000 bonus points.
    1 invite costs 100,000 Nips (bonus points)
    Orpheus Power Users > Invites twice a month.
    Elite > Receives more invites than PU.
    Torrent Master > Receives more invites than Elite.
    Power Torrent Master > Receives more invites than Torrent Master.
    Elite Torrent Master > Unlimited invites.
    Ourbits 80,000 bonus points
    PassThePopcorn Only Elite members and above can send invites. 1 invite costs 1.5M Bonus Points.
    Pedro Uploader : Will recieve 1 invite every 6 months (Regular uploader. Auto-promoted if uploaded 25 torrents and has a ratio 1.0. Auto-demoted to User if no uploads in 12 weeks or if ratio is too low.)

    Uploader Elite : Will recieve 1 invite every 3 months (Elite uploader. Ratioless. Auto-promoted if uploaded 150 torrents and has a ratio of 1.0. Auto-demoted to User if no uploads in 16 weeks.)

    VIP : Will recieve 1 invite every month (VIP. Ratioless. Promoted by staff at its discretion. Pedro's VIPs are the spearhead of the community.)
    Piratethenet Invites will be given out by Moderators and Admins on random times
    You can ask Staff to add you an invite if you are active user
    Excange Bonus Points for invites
    1 invite = 5000 BP
    Given by staff in the designated forum.
    PreToMe Exchange Bonus Points for invites
    1 invite = 1000 BP
    Only Trader class and up can use Credits to exchange invites (250GB Uploaded and member for 2 months)


    Via donations you can get invites
    PrivateHD You can exchange Bonus Points for invites.
    1 invite = 10,000 points
    PTFiles You can exchange for Bonus Points
    3 Invites = 5.000 Bonus Points.
    Also, you receive 3 Invites when you get promoted to an upper class.
    Invites are given on request
    Exchange Bonus Points for invites
    1 Invite = 7000 BP
    PussyTorrents VIP users get 2 invites each month and 2 when they renew their VIP membership. Power users may receive them at admin discretion from time to time but do NOT rely on this happening
    Via donations you can get invites


    Rookie75 GB+ 1invite
    Second driver 250 GB+ 2invite
    First driver750 GB+ 2invite
    Vice-champion3 TB+ 3invite
    World champion5 TB+ 4invite
    Racing legend10 TB+ 5invite
    Via Donations you can get invites
    Via Donations you can get invites
    Redacted Obtaining Invites

    There are a few ways users can obtain invites, as long as their invite privileges are still enabled. These methods are listed below.

    Donors will receive two invites.
    Power users and above get an invite on the 8th and 22nd of each month.
    Torrent masters and above have unlimited (∞) invites.
    Staff may give out invites on special occasions and celebrations. Do not beg for invites or we will revoke your invite privileges.

    Bonus Invites

    Power users and Elites also receive bonus invites on the 8th and 22nd of each month as follows:

    Every Power User or Elite whose total invitee ratio is above 0.75 and total invitee upload is over 2 GBs gets one invite.
    Every Elite whose total invitee ratio is above 2.0 and total invitee upload is over 10 GBs gets one more invite.
    Every Elite whose total invitee ratio is above 3.0 and total invitee upload is over 20 GBs gets yet one more invite

    These bonus invites cascade, meaning Elites can get a total of 4 invites twice a month, as long as they have not reached their invite cap.

    Invite Cap

    Power Users and Elites have their total of number of available invites capped as follows:

    Power Users can have a maximum of two (2) invites at any given time.
    Elite users can have a maximum of four (4) invites at any given time.
    Torrent Masters and above have unlimited invites and therefore do not have invites capped.
    1 invite 2000 points
    Red Star Torrent
    Invitation System Off Until Further Notice.
    Redtopia No invite system
    Must have been a member for at least 4 weeks, uploaded at least 25GB and have a ratio at or above 1.05 after that you can request 3 starter invites. You get 3 invites when you are PU if u request them
    Via donations you get invites
    Excange Bonus Points for invites
    3 invites = 640 BP
    Scan Bytes
    Via donations you can get invites
    You need to be a member for at least 1 year to be able to to get invites and 500 GB uploaded and at least 1.5 ratio.
    Sceneaccess You can buy from the Shop with 10,000coins per invite , or via donations
    HD Addict
    Donwloaded 167 GiB ,10 weeks on the site , ratio 1.5 , you can buy 1 invite with 240 BP
    Exchange Bonus Points for invites - 1 invite = 2000 BP
    Excange Bonus Points for invites
    1 invite = 3000 BP
    Invites are given out every 4 weeks and depend on your stats

    1 invite : Download >25Gb and ratio is greater than 1.00
    2 invites : Download >100Gb and ratio is greater than 1.25
    3 invites : Download >200Gb and ratio is greater than 1.50
    Secret-Cinema 50gb of your account upload.
    650 points for 3 invites
    Sinderella Currently disabled
    Snatchthat 100000 points for 1 invite
    SocietyGlitch All members can send invites, no need for user class promotion etc. Via donations.
    Users may receive invites on the trackers birthday/special days.
    SportsCult 500, 1000 or 1500 bonus points.


    3 invites through BON store - 150.
    Tekken Excange Bonus Points for invites
    1 invite = 20.000 BP


    Via donations you get invites.
    TeraCod You can exchange Bonus Points for invites
    1 Invite = 5000BP points
    TheGeeks Power User (Member > 28days , Upload >25Gb , Ratio > 1.05) recieve 1 invite upon promotion
    Any User Class (Download > 10Gb , Ratio > 1.05) recieve 2 invites every 20 days
    TheHorrorCharnel Member + ( Member > 31 days , Upload > 20Gb , Download > 15Gb , Ratio > 1.2) recieve 3 invites
    Blood Donor ( When donates ) recieves 5 invites or if member ++ or higher , 10 invites
    Member ++ ( Member > 31 days , Upload > 40Gb , Download > 15Gb , Ratio > 1.3) recieve 5 invites
    Member x ( Member > 31 days , Upload > 100Gb , Download > 15Gb , Ratio > 1.55) recieve 10 invites
    Power Mover ( Member > 31 days , Upload > 40Gb , Download > 15Gb , Ratio > 1.2, Upload > 20 torrents ) recieve 10 invites


    You can exchange for Bonus Points
    3 Invites = 3000 Bonus Points
    Invite system disabled.
    Theplace Any User Class and Downloaded greater 10 GB and ratio greater than 1.05 gets invites. Invites given every 20 days
    TheShow Power User (Member > 28days , Upload >25Gb , Ratio > 1.05) recieve 1 invite upon promotion
    Extreme User (Member > 60days , Upload >60Gb , Ratio > 2.05) recieve 5 invites upon promotion
    TheVault Disabled at the moment
    ToTheGlory Disabled at the moment Exchanging bonus points.

    Staff appointed invites for special celebrations and/or days.
    User Upload 300GB, ratio 1.50, Member for 90 days after that you are able to buy invites from the shop for 504 seedhours each
    TorrentCCF Sergeant ( Member > 1 Week, Download > 64Gb , Ratio > 1.05) Recieves 1 invite when promoted
    Major ( Member > 15 Week, Download > 256Gb , Ratio > 2.05) Recieves 2 invites when promoted
    Colonel ( Member > 40 Week, Download > 1024Gb , Ratio > 3.05) Recieves 3 invites when promoted
    Lieutenant General ( Member > 25 Week, Download > 512Gb , Ratio > 2.55) Recieves 5 invites when promoted
    General ( Member > 100 Week, Download > 64 Tb , Ratio > 4.55) Recieves 10 invites when promoted
    TorentCrestin You can earn Invites with bonus Points
    but you can send them only if you donate and get VIP
    So only by donation
    TorrentDay TD Invites can ONLY be obtained through donations;
    either by donating through Paypal or AlertPay or by using bonus points.
    [COLOR=#000000]2 invites per month for Power Users.

    4 invites per month for Uploaders.

    Invites also obtained through donation.
    For every 5th post, you get 1 invite.
    1 invite = 50,000 Gold
    TorViet In addition to top class members getting invites, Karma Bonus Points can be exchanged for invites: 40,000 Karma Bonus Points can be exchanged for 1 invite.
    Tracker Of Gods
    You can exchange for Bonus Points
    1 Invite = 50.000 Bonus Points
    TranceTraffic When donating often they add some invites.
    Also time ott ime
    TransmiTheNet If you would like to apply to receive an invitation to invite someone you know and trust to the site you will need to PM SYSOP and be obligated to meet the following requirements:

    You must have been a member for a minimum of 12 weeks
    You must be Nugget class or above
    You must have a minimum of 50 snatches
    You must have a minimum of 1.1 ratio
    You must have no warnings
    TTHD You can exchange Bonus Points for invites
    1 Invite = 100000 points

    Power User+
    TVstore You can exchange for Bonus Points
    1 Invite = 130 Sol
    TV-Vault Power User: Registered for >= 2 weeks, downloaded >1B, uploaded >= 25GB, uploaded >= 2 torrents, ratio >= 1.05
    Power Users also receive up to two invites per month.-

    Elite: Registered for >= 4 weeks, downloaded >1B, uploaded >= 100GB, uploaded >= 20 torrents, ratio >= 1.25
    Elite Users and up may invite users when invites are closed, Elite and up also receive up to eight invites per month, varying depending on the health of your previous invitees. If your previous invitees suck, then you get fewer new invites per month.
    UHDBits Exchange bonus points for invite (10,000c per invite).

    You can exchange for Bonus Points
    1 Invite = 50.000 Bonus Points


    Via donations you can get invites
    Invites are given out to power users twice per month at a random time, donors upon their first donation, and as prizes to contest winners. If you have regular invites accrued, you can convert them in the shop to anytime invites. You can simply purchase anytime invites from the shop as well.

    At the moment, invites are open, so there is no need to purchase anytime invites.
    You can exchange for Bonus Points
    1 Invite = 20000 theias "bonus points"
    Only Elite class members (Member > 12 weeks, Upload > 300 GB (total, bonus usage does count on this one) and Ratio > 2.00) and above automatically get invites, and they currently get 1 invite every 7 days. The system will start a timer and issue you 1 invite every 7 days, starting from the time that you get promoted.

    Elite members get a maximum of 3 invites at any given time. Power Users (Member > 4 weeks, Upload > 25 GB (real 25 GB - used bonus doesn't count) and Ratio > 1.05) that had invites at the time this policy changed, were allowed to retain 1 invite. After that 1 invite is used up Power Users will no longer receive invites until they are promoted to Elite or above.

    Power Users and above (who have not lost their invite privileges) can purchase invites on the bonus point exchange page. 11.000 bonus points can be exchanged for 1 invite.
    XiaCD Mayor (InsaneUser) (Member > 8 weeks, Download > 500Gb, Ratio >1.05) recieve one invitation
    Governor (VeteranUser): (Member > 12 weeks, Download > 800Gb, Ratio >2.05) recieve two invitations
    Members (ExtremeUser): (Member > 16 weeks, Download > 1200Gb, Ratio >3.05) recieve two invitations
    Prime Minister (UltimateUser): (Member > 24 weeks, Download > 2000Gb, Ratio >4.05) recieve three invitations
    The Chairman (NexusMaster): (Member > 48 weeks, Download > 5000Gb, Ratio >4.55) recieve five invitations
    Only by Donations

    Last edited by vnsh811Staff Icon; 08-18-2023 at 03:55 PM. Reason: Update
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  2. #2
    Donor Lakos's Avatar
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    Swebits I think you need to be a member for at least 1 year to be able to to get invites and 500 GB uploaded and at least 1.5 ratio.
    revTT Invites ARE NOT Automatic, you must request them. Must have been a member for at least 4 weeks, uploaded at least 25GB and have a ratio at or above 1.05 after that you can request 3 starter invites.
    Bitme Must have been a member for at least 4 weeks, have uploaded at least 50GB and have a ratio at or above 1,05
    BitMeTV Must have been be a member for at least 4 weeks, have uploaded at least 65GB and have a ratio at or above 1.05
    Waffles Power User: More than 25GB uploaded and 5GB downloaded with a ratio above 1.05; must have been be a member for at least 4 weeks.
    TTi User Upload 300GB, ratio 1.50, Member for 90 days after that you are able to buy invites from the shop for 504 seedhours each
    SceneHD, Member for 10 weeks and minimum 250 gig uploaded with a ratio of 1.5 after that you can use your points you get every Friday when you seed to buy an invite an invite costs 300 points
    x264, Member for 12 weeks and over 300 gig uploaded.

    BitHuman, You need to be active cause on BH you need to use ur stars u get every week in a bidding system.50 people gets invites everyday. The bidding takes place at midnight last couple of days an invite has required at least 13 stars but goes from 13-17 usually these days.You can get 2 stars a week on BH if you are in the top 1000 thats when you get two. Top 10000 gets 1 star.You also get stars at the end of the month being in the top 20000 gets you 1 star.Top 1000, 2 stars Top 100. 3 stars and so on.

    On Scc and TL it dosnt matter how much you upload you wount get any invites regardless of userclass.

    ViP members gets invites on TL. On Scc you get invites when you donate or during special events.
    Last edited by LakosDonor Icon; 02-17-2011 at 10:15 AM.
    cooc, Whatsapp, loungesky and 2 others like this.

  3. #3
    sallomsalcice's Avatar
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    Thank you lakos for that info, i'll update the thread as a soon as i can, i have an exam in some hours and can't do this now,
    cooc, goldfun and ahmedzoom99 like this.

  4. #4
    Banned smsm2008's Avatar
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    Great thread
    pedro: 1invite to uploaders each month and if he didn't use it wont recivce another one till he use it
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  5. #5
    sallomsalcice's Avatar
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    lakos for revTT you said that invites are not automatic, you must request them.
    i'm not sure this portion is right, i remember having 2 invites at this one account and after some time they became 3 invites and i didnt request anything
    also thank you for the valuable information,
    they still need some competition though but it is a start

    smsm2008 thanks for ur contribution with the info about perdo
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    7 (100%) invites system is closed
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  7. #7
    \m/_ ( o.o) _\m/ snake's Avatar
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    ethor need to be elite user mean at least 2weeks and 25gb upload after promotion 2 invites are given...
    than its hard to get have to active to get invites further....or on special events one get extra invites..i think max number of invites user can keep is near about 3invites
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  8. #8
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    ethor and FSC invite info is updated thanks to inferno and an other person
    thank you guys for the contribution to this thread

    Hdbits, BCG
    (info made possible from the help of a great man)
    Last edited by sallomsalciceDonor Icon; 02-18-2011 at 08:27 AM.
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  9. #9
    \m/_ ( o.o) _\m/ snake's Avatar
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    for music vids only donar's and i think Video Holics get invites Video Holics get 2 invites per month..promotion to video holic is not automatic staff does the promotion
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  10. #10
    sallomsalcice's Avatar
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    thanks for the info inferno, thread is updated
    cooc and goldfun like this.

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