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Post By RickC1337
New user
Help BITHQ account disabled
I am having a spot of trouble with bithq.org. When I got up this morning My account has been disabled ( it was fine last night at 3:30 am).
I have been downloading quite bit this last few weeks because of the freeleech but I have left them all seeding and my ratio is 8.6 so I cannot understand why my account has been disabled.
I cannot get in contact with them because I cannot get to their contact details without logging in. I have tried their irc channel and am still waiting since last Friday afternoon and not one person has been talking to me to help.
I think I may have been classed as a "hit and runner" I started to download a torrent but after a few hours i realised
that I already had it in another format for them (which I am/was seeding back) so I stopped it and deleted it. I am assuming this is what has happened .
I haven't had ANY warnings from them my account was just disabled which I think is a little unfair.
I have 43 torrents seeding (or would have if my account hadn't been disabled -one of which is a massive 160Gb and another 16 torrents of more than 10Gb each, altogether I have more than 841Gb seeding ) so as you can see I do NOT it and run I seed back my ratio was 8.6 and rising , i was also a exteme elite user.
how can I contact hem to sort It out ?
Is there anyone on here that could either interact with Bithq on my behalf or send me their contact details .
I would be very grateful
Thats what happend to me some time ago...had a good ratio, but i had few (2-3) torrents that needed more seeding...and got my account disabled for h&r just for few torrents ... didnt matter the many 50-100 torrents that got seeded over time , most of them with positive ratio and hundrets of hours of seedtime...
Try their IRC
BitHQ | BHQ | HD | 2015 Review
or open a thread to similar trackers forums.
They have a strict policy on seeding and they do not even require specific seeding hours like other trackers.
Unless you have achieved a 1:1 ratio and decide to stop seeding a torrent quite early, you are in danger
Advice is: Seed as much as possible.
Last edited by RossoBreitner; 06-26-2015 at 07:09 PM.
New user
Hi RossoBreitner I have been seeding back ALL my torrentsnow for months except the one I mentioned above,
I have been on their IRC solidly since last Friday but NOT ONE person has answered me asking for help.
I wish I knew of some way to contact BITHQ but I cant
't access their "contact us" without logging in and of course I can't log in -- catch 22.
Do you know of any way to contact them?
New user
Hi Dsmithy
I've got the same problem 3 days ago
Your BitHq account has been hacked.
Your name and password have been published on a cracking site http://nethingoez.com
The admins have disabled your account for abnormal activities caused by many connections from different IPs at the same time
I don't know how to get in touch with an admin
If you find a way, thanks to keep me posted here
My account has been disabled too even though i had good ratio and was still seeding all torrents till the date. Please someone help to contact the admin.
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