A new version of the Firefox security extension NoScript was released. NoScript is the most recent WebExtensions version of NoScript.

The developer of NoScript maintains two different versions of the extension right now: NoScript 5.x, a legacy add-on for Firefox ESR and Firefox pre-57 versions, and NoScript 10.x, the WebExtensions version that is been released shortly after the release of Firefox 57.

NoScript's WebExtension launch was riddled with issues. The launch was delayed for a few days, the extension lacked some functionality because of missing WebExtension APIs, and users had trouble with the new user interface.

Giorgio Maone released updates regularly to address issues. Version 10.1.2 of NoScript added an option to allow scripts temporarily on a page, and enabled support for Firefox's private browsing mode.

One of the biggest additions is the ability to import data from previous versions of NoScript. The import functionality supports imports from legacy and WebExtension versions of the browser extension.


NoScript is the most recent version of the browser extension. It introduces improvements to the user interface among other things.

Here is a short overview of features introduced since the release of NoScript 10.1.2:

  • The size of the user interface is smaller now on the desktop.
  • Support for Quantum versions (Firefox 57) on Android.
  • Fixed Linux rendering performance issues.
  • Import functionality for Settings (compatible with NoScript 5.x) and Export functionality.
  • Reset to defaults button in options.
  • Domain label clicks open "Security and privacy info" web page (similar to middle-click in legacy NoScript).
  • Removed Yandex.st from default whitelist.

NoScript removes customization options from Default, Trusted and Untrusted presets in the popup. These customization options are still available on the options page though.

Another change is support for individual temporary and permanent trusted preset buttons which you can activate now directly in the popup.

The interface changes were made to improve usability and remove confusion that many users felt when they upgraded the extension to the new user interface.

Closing Words

NoScript is getting better with every update but the launch has certainly cost the extension. Users switched to other extensions or stayed with the legacy add-on by switching to Firefox ESR. That's a temporary solution only though as Firefox ESR will be updated to Firefox 60 in 2018, and that version won't support legacy extensions anymore.